Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Start Small... to achieve BiG!

We were once babies, the first day we were born, we couldn't feed ourselves, we didn't run up and down the stairs, and we couldn't even change our own diapers. Our parents or caretakers were the ones who fed us, changed our diapers, gave us a bath and taught us how to stand and walk.

We learned how to stand with our feet, then walk, and then run!

So don't be too hard on yourself when things are not going as fast as you want them to be and don't give up on life when you fail in pursuing your dreams and goals. A little progress is better than nothing at all. It is very important to keep learning and growing every day.

The excitement in your life comes from the fact that we see a sign of progress in your life. When you feel like you are progressing in your life, that's when you feel happy and excited! That's why it is important to set a new goal after we achieve our previous goal. We went through a process of growing, from small to big and from big to bigger and bigger.

If you've ever taken the Tube in London, you've seen the signs posted all over that say, "Mind the Gap." They refer to the distance between the station platform and the train itself. But think about a different kind of gap: the one between what we tell ourselves we want, and what we're actually doing-or, more pointedly, not doing-to make it happen.

Often, what's lurking in the gap is fear. Fear in its familiar guises--shyness, social anxiety, panic attacks, emotional paralysis--or fear in the form of self-condemnation. Other times, what keeps us from bridging the gap is overwhelm. Overwhelmed by lack of information. Or, conversely, overwhelmed by information overload.

Another key problem is a lack of focus. get yourself a one-track mind. The only way to beat status quo is to quit being status quo - get a plan together for a goal, whatever that goal is, and work it.
  • Give Yourself A Reasonable Deadline
  • Identify What Distracts You And Counter It
  • Reward Little Successes
StaRt SmAll to achieve bIG :)