Monday, June 20, 2011

Facebook - A boon or a bane?

FACEBOOK - Breaking the family relationship as it strengthens the friendship network!

Social networking, it claims itself to be... Facebook to a maximum extent has stopped networking among the family members. Oh! This is not a blog against facebooking. but sure, this is going to feature it's clutching of people's time, mind and thoughts.

Little did I know that facebooking will eat all my time. First I felt the idea of writing on the wall, poking etc., stupid. but slowly I got used to it (stupidity?!!?? lol :)). Got so happy when I got a lot of friends, many new. I could hunt for my old school friends and got them too, I started spending more time in FB. FB has played its part in my life, i have missed a few good friends too, coz of misunderstanding (who has understood wrong is still a mystery).

oohhh! I realized that I spend less time around with my family, when I noted that every now and then, I check for FB updates in my iphone. And I did that even when I wake up in between my sleep to use the Loo at night times. Thats when I thought...this FB has gained control over me!

Its for friends that I opened an account. But my husband started feeling that I am into FB lots, many of my friends started commenting that I am an extensive FB user, I started seeing my comments on the FB walls so often and I logged on to FB more than 10 times a day.. My status messages getting up to a maximum of 100 likes and many comments, people started envying me too.. hahahaha!

But I deactivated my account just a week back. Initially I was tempted lots to sign in again and get it activated. With 1200 plus friends, it looked so warranted that I activate it again so that I can get in touch with them. But my mind and heart said, "first look around and be friends with your family members. When you feel that they are comfortable then spend time for your friends whom you have seen and whom you have not seen". So, let me follow what my heart says!

Yesterday, I asked my parents voluntarily for an outing.. just for a shopping, got 2 salwars (lol), got some veggies and some snacks. Three hours time well spent.. I could see my mom happy that I spent time with her. Waiting for my hubby to come back to Salem within a couple of days, just to know what he feels about my account deactivation :) I feel quite happy not knowing whats being shared, the comments, the pics posted etc.

Let me extend this deactivation to the most possible date to which I can, and then activate my account, if need be! Hoping that this penance period will surely change me to use FB prudently without causing much damage to my family and friends! So, even if I come back, it wont be the same as it was! I hope I will never get addicted to FB.


1 comment:

Vmpriya said...

heyyy its really a true situation
in every one's lyf
facebook steals the time that we usually spend for ppl near us
and facebook makes us wait for the response frm ppl who are far far away
what a funny thing
we never avoid fb though we realized
that we are addicted to it

today it can be facebook
but yesterday it was orkut
tommo it will be twitter, myspace, google plus

well btw
i was 1 yr addictd to social networking sites (2008)
not anymore B)